Timeless Stories

Daytona Dreams
Imagine, for a moment, you are driving across the Halifax River down the Speedway Boulevard on a hot July afternoon in Daytona Beach, Florida.

The £150,000 Rolex in your bottom drawer - no really
Although I am perfectly prepared to admit that it is unlikely we all have an undiscovered, rare Rolex GMT Bakelite nestling in a bottom drawer or otherwise, what I have always found to be exciting is the sheer possibility of it.

2019 - a vintage year for watches
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 1971 Omega Speedmaster Professional Moon watch

Rolex Sea Dweller 1665
Life begins at forty for a legend
Let me say right now I wish I was 40 next year. Not for all the usual vain reasons of a desire to reverse the ageing process or because I particularly yearn to fulfil a uniquely vivid ‘bucket list’ of ambitions before it’s all too late. Truth be told, there is rarely a day goes by I don’t wish I was still ‘only’ forty, but for the last week or so that fervent longing has been stoked by the latest piece to cross my desk. I promised Mrs Watch Collector some ti...

1971 Omega Speedmaster Professional
Like a great many of you, I imagine, my list of ‘must-haves’ seems to gather pace each year, far beyond the rate at which I can reasonably collect. However, even the most cursory glance at my collection here will lead you to appreciate the special place Omega watches hold in my heart. And amongst those watches this 1971 Omega Speedmaster Professional holds a very special place.
As a young child I watched in awe the vivid images of man walking on the moon in 1972 as Apollo 17 brought to an end...

1915 Asprey Officer Trench Watch
Whenever I hold this watch, I'm transported to the fog bound streets of London, 1915, where the stench of war hangs heavy over a blighted continent...
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Omega Seamaster 300 1968
Utrinque Paratus – Ready For Anything
As any regular visitor to my site will know, I’m not just passionate about watches, I’m passionate about the stories a watch can pay testimony to. The extreme environments that supreme engineering can withstand, the resilience of exquisite watch making in the face of unparalleled odds.
And in particular I love imagining the provenance of a watch that might have survived the second world war or been present at significant events throughout the century. Oft...