About this watch
For military watch collectors the famed Dirty Dozen need no introduction,
In brief the M.O.D in the 1940’s needed to standardize its issued timepieces and so the Wrist Watch Waterproof (WWW) was born and 12 Swiss watch manufacturers were chosen by the MOD to develop appropriate timepieces. Record were, at that time, one of the most highly respected. It is estimated that Record delivered less than 8000 to the MOD towards the end of the second world war and this piece will have survived through many other conflicts since the 1940’s
Record produced around 25,000 of these watches which all went into military service some 70 odd years ago so how many survive today is any ones guess but these are great original and fast appreciating watch which is great to wear as well as being one of the largest WWW watches at 36.5 mm it is a good size even now .
Another rare piece, complete with all MOD and manufacture markings.
Stock No. 204